Irontech doll



Irontech doll Forum Discussion Irontech Doll 2022 World Cup Special Event
Author: system

Irontech Doll 2022 World Cup Special Event    

Rank: 2

Post on 2022-12-19 20:08 |All posts

Rank: 1

Post on 2022-12-19 20:40 |All posts
Reply saku 's thread

I won this winner prize

Now, what exactly I have to reposting here?

Rank: 1

Post on 2022-12-19 21:27 |All posts
I won the winning team prize.
However, the instructions on claiming the prize are extremely vague. It doesn't say where or how to claim the prize.


system  Hi. Please check the email for the coupon. Thanks.  Post on 2022-12-20 14:32

Rank: 1

Post on 2022-12-20 05:04 |All posts

Don't know where to post this but, Woo go Argentina!


system  Sent. Please check the email for the coupon. Thanks.  Post on 2022-12-20 14:32

Rank: 1

Post on 2022-12-20 18:37 |All posts
Reply Samurai 's thread

But there is no email with coupon

Rank: 2

Post on 2022-12-20 18:56 |All posts
Check your spam folder

Rank: 2

Post on 2022-12-20 18:59 |All posts
The official store website has problems.

On home page is gives you one price but when you click on the doll you like the price goes up by 180 usd.

Also only let's you chose one option at bottom of page. So only gel but or implanted hair or Articulated fingers or heating ect, but not multiple options. ... en?VariantsId=36251,36240,36222,36228,36238,36243,36219,36245

Needs to be looked at i think.


Rank: 1

Post on 2022-12-20 22:52 |All posts
Reply Samurai 's thread

I have found that.
Thank you

Coupon is valid till 1st of February?
Short period of time

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

Post on 2022-12-21 18:11 |All posts
Hi members.
For a better shopping experience, please feel free to contact to place a customization order. We will create a payment link to the official store for you.

Rank: 2

Post on 2022-12-23 02:18 |All posts
Order is in with a 40% discount

Thank you Irontech


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